Friday, June 17, 2011

End of the year Assessment

What I learned through the entire year was to become more confident with my work, and try to finish on time. Many teachers in my school taught me to be prepared and be on time to class without any absences. I also learned to be more involved in sports because in different places i wouldn't sign up for any sport so this has taught me to become more interactive.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Final Exam

  1. I think the author is trying to say that even though you have all the money in the world it doesn't mean that you will have a longer time to life.
  2. This is true because people who own a business is more likely to have more amount of money.
  3. I think that the high price of leisure is a free tax income.
  4. Human history Productivity began in 1750.
  5. Thomas Edison's invention overcame nature by using a light bulb to turn night into day.
  6. Most of us overcome nature by using tools.
  7. Most people don't like to work because they don't like their work.
  8. It takes 1,000 hours to become competent with something, and it takes 2 to 3 years to be a master of a skill.
  9. compounding process is what produces success, but the front-end costs,  especially psychological costs, keep out most people.
  10. To multiply your self means that they are oddities.
  11. The free marketing is own by a principle of consumer.
  12. What I learned from this story was about the free leisure's and how the people overcame nature with Thomas Edison's invention.

    Thursday, May 19, 2011

    Review of Khan Video: Graphing Linear Equations

    The video that I just saw is about the understanding of graphing linear equations step by step. This video helped me understand more about graphing linear equations without any hesitations.  It also helped me fully understand where each dot should be placed when you graph linear problems.

    Thursday, May 5, 2011

    What Kinds of Skills Do I Prefer to Be Learning?

    1. I would want to learn how to speak french and Russian. 
    2. I would prefer to learn how to play more sports rather than the one i play now.
    3. I want to learn how to be more respectful to the people that i don't like. 
    4. I would also learn how to be more sociable.
    5. I want to learn the things that many people say in the television.

      Tuesday, April 26, 2011

      Accomplishments & Goals

      1. What I have accomplished in the last six months was to find my rhythm in basketball, like being able to shoot a basket really well.
      2. I've been able to finish my homework in every class on time.  I don't turn my work in late any more.
      3. I also finished a project that my cousin and I were assigned to do in Health class.  My parents were really proud that we finished it on time. 
      4. I also learned from my health teacher the best foods to eat and how these foods can help you grow. 
      1. My goals are to do good at school and try to go to college and have a great career.
      2. I also want to play a professional sport to become successful in my life.
      3. I also want to help my family on anything they might need help on.

        Thursday, April 14, 2011

        1st Quarter Review of 2011

        What Have I Gained So Far This Year?

        1.  Have I earned more money in the first 3 months of this year than I did this time last year?  How much money have I earned?  I've earned $150.
        2.  How did I earn this money? I earned it by working hard at school.
        3.  With the money that I have earned or received so far this year, what have I purchased?  Of these purchases, which ones, if any, serve my business or job interests?  i bought shoes.
        4.  What specific productive and valuable skills have I learned so far this year that I am most proud of?    learning how to respect.
        5.  At school, where have my best efforts been applied? I put my best effort in math.
        6.  What objectives will I accomplish between now and the end of the school year that will serve my goals building my career and or business? passing all my classes.                                                             7.  So far this year, I am most proud of_All of my work that I've done. ______________________________________________.